MLwiN downloads


CMM's other software

  • MLPowSim - designed for performing sample size/power calculations in multilevel models via simulation
  • REALCOM (and REALCOM Impute) - Developing multilevel models for REAListically COMplex social science data
  • runmlwin - Stata command to fit multilevel models in MLwiN from within Stata.
  • R2MLwiN - Stata command to fit multilevel models in MLwiN from within R.
  • Stat-JR - a software environment for promoting interactive complex statistical modelling

External Download Resources

  • TRAMSS Teaching Resources and Materials for Social Scientists offer a free training version of MLwiN to social scientists throughout the world. You can download this training version to gain an idea of how MLwiN works, though please note this is a limited version and is not compatible with our on-line learning materials
  • Missing data Missing data are a persistent problem in social and other datasets. A standard technique for handling missing values efficiently is known as multiple imputation and the software REALCOM-IMPUTE is unique in that it has been designed to implement this procedure for 2-level data. Apart from being able to deal with 2-level data it can also handle properly categorical data, whether in the response or predictor variables in a model. An interface is provided with MLwiN that allows users to carry out the full procedure and fit their final model semi-automatically.
  • Further details about multiple imputation
  • To download the software, which is freely available, go to Realcom Imputation.
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