note: copy coefficient estimates to C50 calc c50=c1098 name c50 'beta' note: convert C1099 to a matrix and store in group of columns G4 calc g4=sym(c1099) note: compute the square root of the diagonal entries of the variance-covariance matrix note: these values are the standard errors calc c51=sqrt(diag(g4)) name c51 'se' note: calculate the z-ratio calc c52='beta'/'se' name c52 'z-ratio' note: calculate the p-values for a two-sided test of beta=0 calc c53=2*nprob(abso('z-ratio')) name c53 'p-value' note: calculate lower and upper limits of 95% confidence interval for beta calc c54='beta'-1.96*'se' calc c55='beta'+1.96*'se' name c54 'CI95low' c55 'CI95hi'