Kaama handbill

Special Collections

Kaama handbill

This handbill advertises ‘two kaamas's, male and female, lately arrived from the Bear-Bishes, being the strangest and admirablest creatures that ever was seen alive in Europe; being as tame as a lamb, having a trunk like an elephant, teeth like a Christian, and eyes like a renosserous: likewise wonderful ears, with a white furr round them like saple, also a neck and main like a horse, and skin as thick as a bouffler, and has a voice like a bird…’ A handwritten note on the copy of the handbill from the library of Sir Joseph Banks, indicates that the kaamas were on show in January 1703.

  • Photographer: Jamie Carstairs
  • Copyright: University of Bristol
  • This image is licensed for some educational use only. Users must abide by these terms and conditions.