CDT Research Fellow Erin attends The Crucible at Swansea University Cherish-DE Digital Economy Research Centre

Each year, Swansea University Cherish-DE Digital Economy Research Centre hosts an interdisciplinary event for early career researchers (ECR) known as The Crucible.  Funded by the EPSRC, The Crucible is a unique skills development and leadership programme with a focus on the digital economy.  The Crucible conference is held over six days, and promotes cross-disciplinary working, skills development workshops, networking opportunities and information on research grant funding.

The Crucible is also delivered alongside the Swansea Festival of Ideas.

Digital Health CDT Research Associate, Dr Erin Dooley has been awarded a place for The Crucible 2021.  Here Erin shares some of her experiences of the event.

“Having lived and worked in Wales for years, I try to keep abreast of events across the border.  I discovered the Swansea University Cherish-DE Digital Economy Research Centre and their annual event ‘The Crucible’.  Reading through information about past Crucible events, I thought that this programme would help me to develop my interdisciplinary working skills and knowledge around applying for future EPSRC grant funding.  The application process was fun and engaging and included creating a short video describing my current role, and what I wanted to gain from the experience.

This year the event was delivered remotely due to Covid-19 (previous sessions were delivered between Swansea, London and Edinburgh), however the content of the programme more than compensated for the changes.

To date, we’ve covered sessions ranging from personal development (understanding imposter syndrome and incorporating well-being/self-care in your research), practical sessions (e.g. understanding grant applications and working with the media) and professional development (including skills workshops in bid writing and career advice). We’ve even had a fun at home pizza making session with Carol Vorderman and a challenging pub quiz.  

Most importantly, I’ve met so many fantastic early career researchers from both here in the UK and around the world.  We are encouraged to build our networks and make collaborations within, and outside, the event.  I’m hoping that these collaborations will lead to future research projects."

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