4-day More Business Acumen (MBA) course

The BrisSynBio 4-day More Business Acumen (MBA) course is an interactive programme designed to provide the skills required to establish, build and manage a biotech company. The course is delivered in partnership with SynbiCITE and draws upon the experiences of seasoned entrepreneurs, patent attorneys and investors. During the course, participants will develop real biotech business ideas and pitch them to venture capitalists.
The 2017 course was hugely successful and fun. Four fantastic business plans were developed, one of which has received significant funding and is now an incorporated VC backed biotech company.
Applications now open the for the 2018 4-Day MBA with £10,000 of prizes!
The 2018 course will run from 9 - 12 April and will take place at the Unit DX business accelerator in Bristol. We will award up to £10,000 of prizes to help the 2018 teams turn their ideas into real businesses.
Places are available for only £250 with a reduced rate of £100 for PhD students.
Apply now using this application form: 2018 4-Day MBA Application Form (PDF, 1,088kB)
Full programme and further information here: 2018 4-Day MBA Programme (PDF, 2,287kB)
We are especially interested to hear from female entrepreneurs and those who are planning to establish new companies in Bristol. We will support a small number travel bursaries for these participants. The deadline for those interested in bursaries is 26 February.
Please contact Jenna Helleur or Andy Boyce for more information.
My feedback is all positive. I found the whole experience hugely enlightening. I now feel confident about how to approach commercialising my research.
I thought it was great, I really enjoyed it and learned a huge amount…. it was well run, informative and had a good atmosphere I thought.