Research news

Vasilii Sadovnikov: Panorama of Nevsky Prospekt (1830s)

Image courtesy of Olga's Gallery


21 August 2014

Jessica Tipton was invited to give a public talk on Princess Dashkova's descriptions of English gardens at Painshill Garden in Surrey. 

8 June 2014

Jessica Tipton was invited to give a lecture entitled 'Princess Dashkova's love of le jardin anglais: anglophilia or gallophobia?' at the Garden History Society's 'Gardens and the Enlightenment' conference at Rewley House, Oxford University. 

7 February 2014

Gesine Argent gave a paper on ‘The instrumentalisation of past Russian language debates in present-day metadiscourse’ at the conference of the Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN) at the University of Sheffield

21 November 2013

Jessica Tipton gave a talk on 'Multilingualism in the Russian Nobility: A Case Study on the Vorontsov family (mid-1700s to mid01800s)' at Bristol University Russian Department Research Seminar.  

12 July 2013

Jessica Tipton presented a paper at 3rd Garden History Society Graduate Symposium at The Garden Museum in London, entitled 'An 18th-century Russian visitor's impressions of English gardening' about Princess Dashkova's account of her 1770 visit to England. 

29 March 2013

Jessica Tipton was invited to present a paper at the annual Dashkova Society conference in Moscow on Princess Dashkova's trip to England in 1770.  

30 October 2013

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a lecture on francophonie in Russia at the Cercle français de Bristol.

26 October 2013

Gesine Argent gave a paper on ‘Gallotropismus und Sprachdebatten in Russland im langen 18. Jahrhundert’ at the international conference ‘Gallotropismus imSpannungsfeld von Attraktion und Abweisung/Gallotropisme entre attraction et rejet’ at the University of Osnabrück.

26 October 2013

Vladislav Rjéoutski was invited to give two lectures on francophonie and education in Russia in the Age of Enlightenment at the Federal University of the Urals (Ekaterinburg).

22 October 2013

Vladislav Rjéoutski, together with Ekaterina Kislova (Moscow University), gave a presentation at the German Historical Institute in Moscow on a cluster of articles on the acquisition of French in Russia which was edited by the research team and has now been published in the journal Vivliofika at

10 October 2013

Derek Offord gave a paper on ‘Language and Identity in Imperial Russia’ at the Centenary Conference of Slavic Studies at Leiden University.

27 September 2013

Derek Offord gave a paper on ‘French in Russia: A Visible Language in the Age of Nationalism’ at a conference on ‘Invisible Languages in the Nineteenth Century’ in the University of Bristol.

27 May 2013

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a lecture on “Quand les Russes apprennent la langue de l'Europe: usages du français en Russie” at a seminar organised by the universities Paris-Sorbonne, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris-Diderot and the Ecole des Chartes.

30 March 2013

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a paper on “La langue française en Russie à l’époque de Pierre le Grand” at an international conference “Pierre Ier et la culture européenne. Circulations, transferts, métissages” at the University Paris-Diderot.

23 November 2012

Gesine Argent gave a presentation about the project at the SIHFLES colloquium  held at the French Institute of the Netherlands in Amsterdam.

16 November 2012

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a paper on ‘The image of private education and the building of public education in Russia in the eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century’ at the annual convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies held in New Orleans.

October 2012

Jessica Tipton has been awarded a Princess Dashkova medal ‘For services to Freedom and Enlightenment’ by the Dashkova Humanities Institute in Moscow in recognition of her research into the trips made by the Russian princess to Britain in the late eighteenth century. The institute has also invited her to become a member of the Dashkova Society and present a paper at their annual conference in Moscow in March 2013.

5 October 2012

Jessica Tipton produced a poster (PDF, 417kB) on 'Princess Dashkova (1743-1810): francophone Russian or Russian gallophobe?' for a postgraduate conference entitled 'Negotiating Ideologies II - Inclusion and Exclusion in Russian Language and Culture' held at Edinburgh University's Princess Dashkova Russian Centre.

1-31 October 2012

Vladislav Rjéoutski was awarded a fellowship by the government of Lower Saxony (Germany) to work on ‘The French-language press in the North of Europe: Germany and Russia (18th century)’ in the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel. He was kindly granted leave from the project by the AHRC in order to take up this fellowship during the month of October. Dr Rjéoutski held the fellowship jointly with Vladimir Somov of the Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory in St Petersburg.

14 September 2012

Derek Offord gave a paper on ‘Francophonie in Turgenev’s fiction’ at the international interdisciplinary conference ‘The French Language in Russia’ held at Clifton Hill House in the University of Bristol.

14 September 2012

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a paper on « Apprentissage du francais en Russie : zones d’ombre » at the international interdisciplinary conference ‘The French Language in Russia’ held at Clifton Hill House in the University of Bristol.

12-14 September 2012

The international interdisciplinary conference ‘The French Language in Russia’ was held at Clifton Hill House in the University of Bristol. There were two plenary lectures and 36 papers were delivered (one in absentia and one by video-link) in 13 panels.

1 September 2012

Jessica Tipton gave a paper on ‘Princess Dashkova and the different languages in her life: a multilingual Russian’ at the international symposium on ‘Enlightened Russian: The Russian Language Society in the Age of Catherine the Great’ held at The Princess Dashkova Russian Centre at the University of Edinburgh.

31 August 2012

Derek Offord gave the keynote lecture, on ‘French and Russian in Catherine’s Russia’, at the international symposium on ‘Enlightened Russian: The Russian Language Society in the Age of Catherine the Great’ held at The Princess Dashkova Russian Centre at the University of Edinburgh.

31 August 2012

Vladislav Rjéoutski and Jessica Tipton gave a paper on ‘Code-switching in the Russian nobility: French and Russian’ at the international symposium on ‘Enlightened Russian: The Russian Language Society in the Age of Catherine the Great’ held at The Princess Dashkova Russian Centre at the University of Edinburgh.

8 June 2012

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a paper on « L’enseignement de la grammaire française en Russie au XVIIIe siècle : enseignants, méthodes et livres utilisés » at the international SIHFLES conference on « Grammaire et enseignement du français langue étrangère et seconde (permanences et ruptures, du XVIe au milieu du XXe siècle) » held in Ragusa.

1 June 2012

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a lecture on ‘The French community in Russia from the end of the eighteenth century to 1914’, at « Les Journées 9èmes de l’Histoire de l’Europe » at the Centre Malesherbes of The Sorbonne in Paris.

2 May 2012

Derek Offord gave a paper on francophonie in pre-revolutionary Russia at a seminar at the University of Durham.

10 April 2012

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a paper, together with Vladimir Somov (St. Petersburg State Conservatory), on « La traduction et la presse francophone en Russie (18e-19e siècles) » at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris.

31 March - 2 April 2012

Jessica Tipton produced and displayed a poster (PDF, 1,632kB) on 'The French language and French cultural model in the Russian nobility: a case study on the Vorontsovs' for the Annual Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies held at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

1 March 2012

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a presentation on the dictionary Les Français en Russie au siècle des Lumières which he co-edited with Anne Mézin (2 vols., Ferney, 2011) and on his co-edited book on French-speaking teachers in Europe at the Institute of Russian Literature (IRLI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg.

20 February 2012

Derek Offord gave a paper on francophonie in pre-revolutionary Russia at a research seminar of The School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London.

9 February 2012

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a presentation with Aleksandr Chudinov on their co-edited book The French-speaking Teacher in Europe, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth Century (Франкоязычный гувернер в Европе: 17-19 вв. (Moscow, 2011) in the French-Russian Centre for Social Sciences in Moscow. An electronic version of the book is available online.

26 January 2012

Derek Offord gave the opening paper in the seminar series on European francophonie organised in the University of Bristol as part of this project.

19 December 2011

Derek Offord and Jessica Tipton gave presentations about the project at a workshop in Leeds organised by the BASEES Nineteenth-Century Study Group. 

23-24 November 2011

Vladislav Rjéoutski was one of the co-organisers, with Brigitte Krulic and Katja Schubert, of an international interdisciplinary colloquium at the Université Paris Ouest - Nanterre - La Défense. The theme of the colloquium was L'ennemi en regard(s) : Constructions et recompositions dans les discours historico-littéraires en Europe, du 18e au 21e siècles.

He presented a paper entitled « Le précepteur français en Russie: construction de l'image de l'ennemi (18e-19e siècles) ».

22 November 2011

Vladislav Rjéoutski gave a lecture on francophone teachers in Russia at the MA seminar La Russie dans le contexte européen organised by the Université Paris I Pantheon - Sorbonne and the Université Paris IV - Sorbonne.

11 November 2011

The project team gave presentations about their work to the Russian Department Research Seminar at the University of Bristol.

28-29 October 2011

The XXI Colloquium of the British-French Association for the Study of Russian Culture took place in London. The colloquium was organised by the Association's co-president, Derek Offord, in collaboration with the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London.

Vladislav Rjéoutski presented a paper on sources and issues related to the learning of French in Russia.

16-17 September 2011

Vladislav Rjéoutski co-organised with Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan a colloquium on « Les Français dans la vie intellectuelle et scientifique en Russie au XIXème sièсle ». He also presented a paper at the colloquium on « Littérature, traduction et propagande : Hippolyte Masclet, traducteur de Krylov et de Khemnitser, dans le contexte de son époque ». The paper is available online, together with other talks given at the colloquium, on the website of one of the sponsoring organisations, the Fondation Singer-Polignac in Paris.

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