Civic Virtue and Civic Vice Workshop

13 July 2022, 10.00 AM - 13 July 2022, 4.30 PM

Cotham House, Room G2 (and via Zoom)

Civic virtues can be thought of as those traits that enable the flourishing of communities and civil society. Civic vices can be thought of as those traits that undermine our social interactions and our sense of community. This workshop seeks to further our understanding of such traits by presenting recent and ongoing work on the nature of civic virtue and civic vice. Candidate virtues and vices to be discussed during the workshop include: civility, shamelessness, institutional opacity, and cynicism.

This will be a hybrid event, with talks taking place both in-person and on Zoom. All are welcome to attend any number of the presentations and take part in the discussion.


10:00-11:00  Ian James Kidd (Nottingham)  "Institutional Opacity and Cynicism"
11:30-12:30  Alan Wilson (Bristol)  "Shamelessness as a Vice of Domination"
12:30-13:30  Tom Lee (Reading/Bristol)  "The Virtue of Civility"
14:30-15:30  Maria Silvia Vaccarezza (Genoa)[via Zoom]  "Civility: An Aristotelian Account"
15:30-16:30  Alessandra Tanesini (Cardiff)  "Hope and the Politics of Resentment"
Zoom Link
For those attending online, please contact Alan Wilson for the Zoom link (or check the department calendar).


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