An anatomy lecturer in a white lab coat teaches four students in a dissection room in front of a monitor displaying x-rays of a human chest.

Joining us in September?

If you are joining us in September, then you are about to start the most transformative journey of your life. We recognise that some of you would want to start preparing for this journey and would like to do some reading. There are a number of excellent resources you can use:

Applied Anatomy

The Applied Anatomy BSc is a comparative course. You will learn human and veterinary anatomy in a practical, hands-on and student centred approach. Year one introduces the principles of comparative anatomy and the structure of the major mammalian body systems. Teaching involves seminars, lectures as well as some dissection and study of human and animal prosected cadaveric specimens. All teaching sessions are delivered by our experienced and enthusiastic teaching staff who draw from their varied expertise to enable you to apply your knowledge and explore real-world problems.

Our recommended texts for year one are Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution by Kenneth Kardong and Seeley's Anatomy and Physiology. If you prefer reading from a book, earlier editions of these can often be found on Amazon/eBay very cheaply.

You may also wish to complete a MOOC (massive open online course)- there are many available via this excellent resource such as these two courses: Human Anatomy Course and Anatomy: Human Neuroanatomy There are also some excellent resources online such as Functional Neuroanatomy created by the University of British Columbia.

Transitioning to university will require you to develop and master many academic skills such as time-management, note-taking and critical thinking. You can explore a lot of free courses on the Future Learn platform such as: Skills to Succeed at University and University Preparation Course.

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