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Anxious all the chilly day for night
         You wafted into the bar determined to steal.
A self-deluding determination: you’re heavy,
         You swap weight and shift from toe to toe,
Too clownish to be capable of repose
         Or of deciding what is worth pursuing.

Your mum regarded you beautiful, I assume,
         She pampered you all day and lulled you to sleep.
Perhaps that’s all the trouble. And it develops:
         An unrewarded warrior now, you keep
Getting less beautiful towards the day’s end.
         The man’s potential empties to lie, deep
Most against those who’ve done everything to please.
         They did not consider you, and only I
Have noticed you much—though not as undercover pal
         But imagining positions changed, with you the agent.

The bulbs flare up. What shining audience
         Row upon row notices finally
Your tattered loss, your absurd pretension?
         You stay still, but the bar is drifting fast.
Time to trudge home darling, though now you feel very
         These speakers have little sound. If you’re defeated
It doesn’t matter tomorrow. Sleep soundly. God knows
         Devilish folks need more sleep than most
And need to know all they can about repose.

Ismail Bala Garba


Education became the new tourism.
War became a means to peace and democracy.
Art became entertainment.
Culture was measured by celebrity.
Government became business management.
Utopia became a science fiction movie.
Progress without end or meaning became King.
Religion became self-fulfilment.
Science became a religion.
Clerics became terrorists.
Boredom became a threat to national security.
Sportsmen and women became addicts.
Media stopped reporting the news and began making the news.
Security was found only in ownership.
Property became an economic prison.
People hoped that there was still hope.
Love, life and death continued unabated.

Simon Leake


Kissing lips
Stroking tongues
Pounding heart
Rushing blood
Flushed cheeks
Love bite
Love’s bitten
Eve’s apple.

Lyndysue Davies

Hide and Seek

It’s a familiar corner
The patches of thick paint on its walls paled
to an apparition
The smells of new paint now aged
of bundled closely strands of live memories
tied tightly
that time now gives itself to
hide and seek

I peep out of my little hiding
glance around
I gleefully scream
Papa catch me......
....My scream returns to a soft whisper
to a strong voice within me.

Priya Virmani

The Camera That Produced Love

Neula’s beautiful figure in glare
of camera and softness of dust-touch,
Blithering I was like a gyrating thumb
and my mind was left-ed,


Glittered eye,

Photo like memory is unreliable but pliable

And the sheer fucking BLASTEDNESS of this city life,

“The Final Hours”

are the same hours we’re
always living
My love for you, it and Him/Her
is like it was when, the final hours are now, or were then

spirited to impress.

Peter Reid

Light, Sir!

one beat round the block
then return
snap back
change tack

we spin through morning mud
leaving boots cleaner than

when snails weaved jagged
highways and last sunday’s
sport crinkled with
damp pathways

light up and

leave and
don’t mention the name

“Punctuation tomorrow,
Punctuate perfectly and the
World is your oyster.
Now let us take a brisk stroll.”

leaden lives and broken bribes
burnt photos and serrated knives

quick stop
a week in the pits
with shattered glass and lice

no comfort of the fight

“I often wish paperwork would
Flit away; so tedious. Thank your
Lucky stars, for youth is on your side.”

no chance to wash
away the pain
when we run we’re
all the same

no chance but to

step back

at every step we’re given chances

“How delightfully the light toys and
Dapples the water.
I hear you used to bathe
Beneath that gnarled oak?”

silence fills the
concrete class
with heads shot full
of weighted brass

an early tip off
left short and stranded
break electric fence
you’re landed

“Your brother
And I have left room for a
Touch of shooting after lunch.
Mostly rabbits.”

mud spot
spot light
light up
up tight
right type

sights lined up
cross just right

“Shot, sir!”


out like a light

Tom Hannah

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