The Smugglers' City
Department of History, University of Bristol


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A Letter from Burghley Forbidding the Export of Wheat, 1584

Source: Transcribed by: Vanes, J. (ed.), Documents Illustrating the Overseas Trade of Bristol in the Sixteenth Century, (Bristol Record Society Publications, Vol. XXXI, Kendal, 1979), No. 30, p. 48.
Manuscript: Bristol Record Office, 04264(1)3
Web version by: Louise Casson (2005)

After my hartie commendacions, wheras I am given to understande
that divers persons have heretofore and at this presente doe lade greate
quantities of wheat with intente to transporte the same into Spaigne in
disordered manner, as well to the offence of her Majesties subjectes in
those partes, causinge the enhaunsinge of the prices as to the
hinderaunce of the provisions for hir Majesties service for Irelond; and
for as much as I understand that at this present ther are laden or in
ladinge certeine vessels with quantities of wheate to be transported as
before; theis are to will and requier you to cause the wheate for the said
transportacions or such parte therof as shalbe thought fitt to John
Blande, surveior of her Majesties victuels ther, to be delivered and
solde unto him at such price as wheat was comonly solde in the
markett befor his late ladinge or att such price as the same was bought
by them, beinge reasonable, for which he shall paye unto them readye
money. And lickwiese to take order that he maye have such of those
barkes which were to have transported the same wheate as he shall
thincke fitt, to carie the same into Irelond, for which such allowance of
fraight shalbe made by them as formerlye in licke service for hir
Majestie hath ben used. And this you shall doe notwithstandinge any
color or skew of any licence whatsoever, prayeinge you hereafter as
occacion maye requier to yelde your assistance to the officers of the
porte there to restraine anie licke disorders. And soe I bide you farwell
from the Courte, this xth of February, 1584.

Your lovinge frend,

See B.A.O. 047211501r & v. for similar letters from Burghley to the Mayor and to the Customers in April of the same year

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