The Uncertain Space

The Uncertain Space is our virtual university museum. It's a unique way to experience artefacts from many different collections in one place. Discover new connections between items ranging from a 3D scan of a crocodile skull to a Victorian magic lantern slide.

The Uncertain Space is a unique innovation; think of it as an actual museum which just happens to be virtual. So, for example, the space has governance, an evolving programme of exhibitions, and sustainability is built in. It's not just another one-off digital project. Our plan is to create new exhibitions, so please consider becoming a regular visitor! 

How do I visit the museum?

You can experience the Uncertain Space in a number of different ways, depending on whether you're using a phone, a laptop or a VR headset. Many different devices can act as 'windows' onto the museum.

  • If you're using a laptop or desktop computer you can go to our channel
  • There is an Android and iOS spatial app, if you'd like to use your smartphone
  • If you have a Quest VR headset you can download a app from the Metastore

You can also access the Uncertain Space by visiting the Theatre Collection or the University of Bristol Special Collections, where VR headsets are available for anyone to book and use.

University staff and students can book out a Quest 2 VR headset from the library, please email us to book a headset or to learn more about the Uncertain Space.

Uncertain Space museum exhibition views

Want to put on a show?

If you have an idea for a future show please contact us. We're always looking for ideas for exhibitions which relate in some way to the University of Bristol. If you feel you could be our next curator; let's talk!

Copyright Jon Rowley

Image: Jon Rowley


The Virtual Museum was established as a result of AHRC Capability for Collections (CapCo) Impact Funding which also helped fund the first exhibition: June 2023 - Secret Gardens: Exploring Pathways through our Collections.

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