News in 2014

  • Largest UK poverty study calls on government to tackle rising deprivation 19 June 2014 The percentage of households who fall below society’s minimum standard of living has increased from 14 per cent to 33 per cent over the last 30 years, despite the size of the economy doubling. This is one of the stark findings from the largest study of poverty and deprivation ever conducted in the UK.
  • Take a boat tour to the floating Ballast Seed Garden 18 June 2014 Members of the public will have the opportunity to learn about the city’s trade and maritime past during a boat trip to the floating Ballast Seed Garden tomorrow [Thursday 19 June].
  • Bristol’s cricketers relive glory days 17 June 2014 World Cup, what World Cup? The summer of sport got off to a cracking start at the University’s very own outdoor sports centre at Coombe Dingle last Friday, with a friendly match between Bristol cricketers young and not so young.
  • Enjoy the botanical pleasures of summer 17 June 2014 Members of the public will have the opportunity to spot summer floral delights at a special tour of the University of Bristol Botanic Garden tomorrow [Wednesday 18 June].
  • 2013/14 Engagement Award winners announced 16 June 2014 The winners of the University of Bristol’s 2013/14 Engagement Awards, judged by the Engaged University Steering Group, have been announced.
  • Nick Sturge wins South West Institute of Directors Award 16 June 2014 Nick Sturge, co-founder of enterprise hub the Engine Shed at Temple Meads, has won the Public Sector Director title at the 2014 Institute of Directors (IoD) South West regional awards, which seek to highlight outstanding business people.
  • Bristol student reaches final of UK ICT Pioneers competition 2014 16 June 2014 A PhD student from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Communications at the University of Bristol has been selected as a finalist in the UK ICT Pioneers competition.
  • Standing up for down-to-earth science 16 June 2014 Soapbox Science transformed Bristol’s Millennium Square into a site of scientific debate when leading female scientists engaged passers-by in cutting edge research as part of the Festival of Nature.
  • Anglesey art project in full flight 16 June 2014 An art project centred round Barclodiad y Gawres, a Neolithic passage grave in Ynys Môn (Anglesey), North Wales recently took to the skies as part of its drive to create a portfolio of contemporary work focused on the various 'scapes' that form the backdrop to the monument
  • How marine life is responding to ocean acidification 15 June 2014 A new study by researchers at the University of Bristol and Plymouth Marine Laboratory has shed light on how different species of marine organisms are reacting to ocean acidification.
  • Physicist chats his way to PechaKucha victory 13 June 2014 Dr Chris Erven in the School of Physics is the winner of a competition devised by the University’s Academic Staff Development division to encourage research staff to hone their communication and presentation skills.
  • Dr David Langley named as recipient of inaugural Carter Award 13 June 2014 Dr David Langley, Director of Research and Enterprise Development at the University of Bristol, has been awarded the inaugural Carter Award for Excellence in Research Management and Administration by the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA).
  • Community Awards celebrate student altruism 13 June 2014 Students from the University of Bristol who have made a positive impact on their local communities were celebrated this week, at the University’s Students’ Union (UBU) inaugural Community Awards.
  • Jamaican Poet Laureate to give Bristol Poetry Institute reading 13 June 2014 Professor Mervyn Morris, newly-appointed Poet Laureate of Jamaica, will give the Bristol Poetry Institute annual reading for 2014.
  • Ten years of Berkeley finds 13 June 2014 A selection from over 1,000 artefacts unearthed by University of Bristol archaeology students over the past decade during their annual excavations at Berkeley Castle and the Edward Jenner Museum go on display this week in an exhibition devised and created entirely by undergraduates.
  • Bristol 2015 board launches with £2m funding 12 June 2014 Bristol 2015 Ltd, the new company established to facilitate Bristol’s year as European Green Capital in 2015, has announced funding worth £2 million to support and enhance sustainable living in the city.
  • Research project wins national award 12 June 2014 A research project from the University of Bristol has won a national Engage Competition run by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE).
  • For China and the world 12 June 2014 A new documentary – a collaboration between University of Bristol historian Professor Robert Bickers and director, Jeremy Routledge of Bristol media company Calling the Shots – gets its London premiere today at the British Academy.
  • 'Microbial garden' takes the shine off glaciers 12 June 2014 The first ecological study of an entire glacier has found that microbes drastically reduce surface reflectivity and have a non-negligible impact on the amount of sunlight that is reflected into space.
  • Researcher awarded prestigious prize for impact on policy 11 June 2014 A University of Bristol student has won a prestigious award for her research into tobacco packaging.
  • Geographer wins award for promoting learning of quantitative methods 11 June 2014 The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) has awarded the 2014 Taylor & Francis Award for excellence in the promotion and practice of teaching quantitative methods to Dr Richard Harris in the School of Geographical Sciences.
  • Bristol engineer wins aerospace prize 11 June 2014 Guillaume Francois, a PhD student in the Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Composites for Innovation and Science (ACCIS CDT), has won the Institution of Mechanical Engineering Western Aerospace Centre (IMechE WAC) Prize.
  • Newly discovered paddle prints show how ancient sea reptiles swam 11 June 2014 Trackways formed on an ancient seabed have shed new light on how nothosaurs, ancient marine reptiles that lived during the age of the dinosaurs, propelled themselves through water. The evidence is described by a team from Bristol and China in Nature Communications today.
  • A day in the life of our PhD students 11 June 2014 PhD students take part in #brisphdlife today, Wednesday 11 June.
  • Bristol research shortlisted for national public engagement awards 10 June 2014 Three research projects from the University of Bristol have been shortlisted in the final of the national Engage Competition run by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE).
  • Innovative millimetre wave communications to be demonstrated at London exhibition 10 June 2014 Wireless data connections that exploit millimetre wave radio spectrum (30GHz to 300GHz) are expected to be used in worldwide 5G networks from 2020. The University of Bristol’s Communication Systems and Networks research group has partnered with Bristol start-up Blu Wireless Technology (BWT) to develop this technology and they will demonstrate their innovative work at the Small Cells World Summit in London this week [10-12 June].
  • Bristol academic to discuss the impact of big data on science and society 10 June 2014 It is estimated that in 2020 the digital universe will be 50 times bigger than in 2010. A leading Artificial Intelligence expert will discuss the new era of predictive analytics and data intensive computing at the Bournemouth Festival of Learning [9-15 June].
  • 30,000 people to visit Bristol for latest open days 10 June 2014 Over 30,000 visitors will be attending the University of Bristol’s latest undergraduate open days later this month.
  • Bristol landmark illuminates global cause 10 June 2014 The Wills Memorial Building has been lit up with the words #TIMETOACT as part of a major international campaign to end sexual violence in conflict.
  • The science of bladder control takes top thesis prize 9 June 2014 ‘To pee or not to pee’, that was the subject of the winning presentation at the University of Bristol’s inaugural competition to challenge postgraduate researchers to present their 80,000-word theses in just three minutes.
  • Igniting the Spark of creativity 9 June 2014 Spark, the University of Bristol’s bootcamp for young entrepreneurs, has scooped a top award for its work in supporting a new generation of business leaders.
  • Chemists find a way to escape from flatland 8 June 2014 A new method for coupling together secondary and tertiary boronic esters to aromatic compounds which preserves the 3-D shape of the boronic ester is described by researchers from the University of Bristol in Nature Chemistry today. The method could have widespread application in the development of new, more effective drugs.
  • Festival of Nature sends city wild 6 June 2014 Bristol Festival of Nature Wild Weekend unleashes a diverse range of activities and entertainment onto the Harbourside on 14 and 15 June.
  • Bristol hosts top US students 6 June 2014 Students from the United States are spending a month in Bristol as part of the second annual Fulbright Summer Institute.
  • Striking a pose at the Holburne Museum 6 June 2014 A new exhibition, curated by students from the University of Bristol, which brings together rarely-exhibited works from two important local collections of eighteenth-century theatrical portraiture opens tomorrow [Saturday 7 June] at the Holburne Museum, Bath.
  • Flowers' polarization patterns help bees find food 5 June 2014 Bees use their ability to 'see' polarized light when foraging for food, researchers based at the University of Bristol have discovered. This is the first time bees have been found to use this ability for something other than navigation.
  • Enjoy a summer’s evening at the Botanic Garden 5 June 2014 With summer upon us, members of the public will have the opportunity to see summer plants and wildlife at one of the many evening tours taking place at the University of Bristol Botanic Garden.
  • New Dean of the Faculty of Engineering appointed 4 June 2014 Andrew Nix, Professor of Wireless Communication Systems and Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Bristol, is to become Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Professor Nix will take over from Professor Nishan Canagarajah, who is to become the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise.
  • Vet student receives comparative medicine award 4 June 2014 Undergraduate vet student Amy Smith has been awarded a £5,000 bursary from the Comparative Clinical Science Foundation (CCSF) to support her research project as part of an intercalated BSc in Cellular and Molecular Medicine. This is the first time the bursary has been awarded to a student at the University of Bristol.
  • Ready, steady, row 4 June 2014 After many months of preparation and a 48 hour delay due to adverse weather conditions, Elsa Hammond will be setting off this Monday [9 June] from Monterey, California to row in the inaugural Great Pacific race.
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