News in July

  • Come and discover the fascinating relationship between pollinating insects and flowers 1 July 2021 How do bees visualise and interact with flowers? A summer art and science exhibition that uses a blend of the most innovative interactive technology, including augmented reality (AR), inspiration from 17th century Dutch flower paintings, and the latest scientific research on the symbiotic relationship of plants and insects, opens at the University of Bristol's Botanic Garden next week [Tuesday 6 July].
  • Public trust in science remains strong during pandemic, but study suggests some decrease in late 2020 1 July 2021 Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, scientific research has been widely used to communicate about the disease to the public. New research to understand public views of coronavirus science has found that confidence in science among people in England from March to November 2020 was good overall although declined over this time. People who had been shielding had greater trust in November 2020 compared with their description of the views that they held in at the start of the pandemic in March 2020.
  • Pregnant women in Bristol have doubts about new COVID-19 vaccines, study reveals 30 June 2021 Pregnant women said taking their routine vaccines like whooping cough and flu was even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic but they have doubts about the safety of taking new COVID-19 vaccines during their pregnancy, new research has found.
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