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Mayoral visit to the University of Bristol Students’ Union emphasises the importance of Bristol’s diversity and internationality

Mayor Marvin Rees attends UoB

Mayor Marvin Rees addresses staff and studentsNick Riddle

26 July 2016

On 14 July 2016, Marvin Rees, the new Mayor of Bristol, spoke to hundreds of students and staff in Bristol SU’s Richmond Building. The event, introduced by the University’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Hugh Brady, highlighted ways to improve equality and social justice within Bristol’s cultural ethos.

The Mayor discussed cohesion within divided communities and what strategies the local government has in place now that Britain has decided to leave the EU.

He said: “You can’t take an appreciation of difference and diversity and that internationalism for granted. It’s something we can’t just relax into, but we actually proactively pursue it. And I say proactively pursue it – we pursue our internationalism, and we build it, day by day.’

Mayor Rees added: “Our diverse population has economic, political, social connections to fast growing economic regions of the world, where they probably want many of the products that we develop in Bristol. Green technology, communications, digital; these things would be attractive if we begin to really revel in the diversity of our population.”

Hannah Dualeh, Bristol SU Equality, Liberation and Access Officer, also addressed the audience on what the University and the Students' Union are doing to reassure and advise staff and students who are concerned about the referendum outcome.

Further information

Mayor Rees speaks with Dr Erik Lithander, Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Bristol, about the city’s global outlook and international make-up; the best reasons to come to Bristol as a student; and our students’ contribution to the city.

The Mayor also welcomes ‘everyone around the world who's thinking of coming to the University of Bristol'. 

Follow the #weareinternational campaign and support the University’s commitment to our international staff, students and city.

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