News in 2013

  • What motivates women to take part in physical activity? 30 October 2013 What motivates and de-motivates women to take part in physical activity, and how can women be supported to become more active? These are just some of the issues researchers will be discussing as a part of an event [Wadebridge: Sat 2 Nov] communicating some of the results from a Cornish-based study that explored the physical activity experiences of older women.
  • Prof Chris Paraskeva talks to the BBC about chemical found in Yew Trees used to help treat cancer 30 October 2013 Prof Chris Paraskeva was interviewed by BBC Points West [29 Oct] about the harnessing of a naturally-occurring chemical found in the bark and leaves of Yew Trees that can be used in chemotherapy drugs to treat breast and lung cancer.
  • Bristol and National Institute of Aerospace to collaborate on advanced composite research and education 29 October 2013 The University of Bristol and the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in areas of advanced composite research and education.
  • High-level meeting maps out direction of travel for new research alliance 29 October 2013 Senior figures from a new research alliance which brings together major research-intensive universities from Wales and the South West of England have met for the first time in a bid to map out its direction of travel and potential impact on UK higher education and beyond.
  • Green fingered students dig deep to transform community garden 28 October 2013 After collecting 16 bags of rubbish and some extreme pruning, green fingered students from the University of Bristol have helped to transform a neglected area of Easton as part of their mission to create a community haven and learning space.
  • Social robotics experts come to Bristol 25 October 2013 The interaction between humans and robots and the integration of robots into our society will be discussed when world-leading experts come to Bristol for an International Conference on Social Robotics.
  • Pink power as Bristol landmark supports charity campaign 24 October 2013 The Wills Memorial Building looked pretty in pink last night as it joined major landmarks across the country in supporting Breast Cancer Campaign’s flagship ‘wear it pink’ event.
  • MRC award puts Bristol on the map for regenerative medicine imaging 24 October 2013 A research team at the University of Bristol have been awarded £2.77 million that could fast-track the progression of new discoveries in stem cell research from the lab to the bedside of the NHS and benefit patients in the future.
  • Art meets science at Brunel's Old Station 23 October 2013 danceroom Spectroscopy, a remarkable installation that combines molecular physics, cutting edge technology, ambient sounds and performance dance, will be on show in Bristol this weekend [Thursday 24 – Saturday 25 October] before leaving the UK for an international tour.
  • Professor Malcolm Evans addresses UN General Assembly on prevention of torture 23 October 2013 Professor Malcolm Evans OBE, made his annual address as Chair of the largest international torture-prevention body — the United Nations [UN] Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) in New York this week [22 October].
  • Donald Whaley, 1933-2013 23 October 2013 Donald Whaley, retired librarian in the School of Geographical Sciences from 1969 to 1998, died in a traffic accident in September 2013 at the age of 80. His colleagues Edward Thomas and Peter Haggett recall his life.
  • Cleft Gene Bank to welcome a Royal visitor 23 October 2013 The world’s largest ever cleft lip and palate research programme was launched last year and HRH The Countess of Wessex GCVO, as Patron of the Healing Foundation, will visit the Healing Foundation Cleft Gene Bank and Birth Cohort Study at the University of Bristol today, Wednesday 23 October.
  • Research ripens into Orchard Heritage Day 22 October 2013 Researchers from the Department of Historical Studies made a distinctive contribution to this week’s nationwide Apple Day events, by co-organising Quantock Apple Heritage Day.
  • Bristol experts contribute to EU white paper on cyber security attacks 22 October 2013 Researchers from the University of Bristol’s Cryptography Group and the Safety Systems Research Centre have contributed to an EU paper on the resilience of critical information infrastructures.
  • How to bid for public sector work in a consortium 22 October 2013 A University of Bristol engineer, Andrew Crossley, is the lead author of a new guide on how to form consortia of small businesses to bid for public sector work.
  • Professor Jeremy O'Brien features in Financial Times: next big names in physics 22 October 2013 Professor Jeremy O'Brien features in the Financial Times magazine's guide to the next big names in atomic, computational, quantum and astrophysics
  • Professor Tariq Modood to feature on BBC programme about discrimination against Muslims 21 October 2013 Professor Tariq Modood from the University’s School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies will feature on BBC Inside Out as part of a piece they are doing on discrimination against Muslims in Bristol. The programme airs on Monday 28 October, BBC 1 at 7.30pm.
  • European funding in the spotlight at GW4 conference 21 October 2013 Representatives from the European Commission are to speak to leading academics from four of the region’s universities at the GW4 Horizon 2020 conference, being held in Bristol to highlight the research opportunities available under a new €70.2billion programme for research and innovation.
  • Saddle up for Like Your Bike Week 18 October 2013 Students from the University of Bristol will be demonstrating their love for cycling next week thanks to a new campaign created by the University of Bristol Students’ Union (UBU). Starting on Sunday, Like Your Bike Week aims to celebrate cycling as a fun, flexible, sustainable and economical mode of travel for students.
  • New Dictionary of Hymnology published 18 October 2013 The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology – the first attempt for more than a hundred years to replace A Dictionary of Hymnology, the standard historical reference book for pre-twentieth century Christian hymns – will be published this October by the Canterbury Press.
  • Enzyme catalysis unmasked in new research 17 October 2013 What makes enzymes such fantastic catalysts? New research from the University of Bristol is significantly advancing our understanding of how these proteins increase the rate of chemical reaction.
  • One in three premature babies fare less well at school 17 October 2013 New research shows that almost one in three children born prematurely (before 37 weeks) have lower Key Stage 1 (KS1) test results than children who are born at full term (37-42 weeks) and more than a third have special educational needs (SEN).
  • Sinking teeth into the evolutionary origin of our skeleton 16 October 2013 For decades, it was thought that our skeleton and all its characteristic bony tissues originated in the predators, known as ‘conodonts’.  However new research, led by the University of Bristol and published today in Nature, shows that they were evolutionary copy-cats who evolved tooth-like structures and tissues independently of other vertebrates.  The origin of our skeleton is to be found in the armour of our mud-slurping ancestors who evolved bony armour to protect themselves from such predators.
  • University and Thales sign agreement on education and research collaboration 16 October 2013 The University of Bristol and Thales UK have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to continue collaborating in research and education activity.
  • Winning team of nationwide maths challenge announced 16 October 2013 The winning team of a nationwide mathematical challenge, Wycombe Abbey School, will be at the University of Bristol today [Wednesday 16 October] to collect their prize.
  • Dr John Wilson, 1938-2013 15 October 2013 Dr John Wilson, retired George Wills Senior Research Fellow in Physics, died on 7 October after a short bout of intense illness, following prostate cancer with which he battled from 2001. Professors Nigel Hussey and Stephen Hayden offer this appreciation.
  • Economist comments on US debt ceiling concerns 15 October 2013 The US debt-ceiling worries and a possible default
  • Steven Greer elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts 15 October 2013 Steven Greer, Professor of Human Rights at the University of Bristol Law School, has been elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in recognition of his ‘expertise and respected authorship in human rights protection’.
  • Professor Jean Golding OBE honoured in book to mark Ada Lovelace Day 15 October 2013 Tuesday 15 October is Ada Lovelace Day, a day which celebrates remarkable women scientists, like Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), an English mathematician who is credited with being the first computer programmer.
  • How technology is shaping the future of media 15 October 2013 How technology is shaping the future of media will be discussed by Matthew Postgate, BBC Controller of Research and Development , at the annual Richard Gregory Memorial Lecture, organised by the University of Bristol's Bristol Vision Institute, on Monday 28 October 2013.
  • Bristol engineers take the lead again 15 October 2013 Following on from previous years’ successes, six engineering students from the University of Bristol have been selected as ‘inspirational role models to the next generation of engineers’ by the Royal Academy of Engineering.
  • Law academic interviewed on Radio New Zealand about murder conviction 15 October 2013 Dr Michael Naughton from the University of Bristol Law School was interviewed on Radio New Zealand's primetime breakfast programme about whether the country should set up an equivalent model of Britain's Criminal Cases Review Commission.
  • South, West and Wales consortium to nurture next generation of arts and humanities researchers 15 October 2013 The South, West and Wales Consortium, in a bid to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) led by the University of Bristol in collaboration with seven other universities – Aberystwyth, Bath, Bath Spa, Cardiff, Exeter, Reading and Southampton – has been awarded £14.2 million funding over five years to deliver postgraduate supervision, training and skills development from 2014.
  • Vet School academics to feature on Channel 4 documentary 'Dogs: Their Secret Lives' 14 October 2013 Drs Rachel Casey and Emily Blackwell from the University's School of Veterinary Sciences will feature on tonight's [Monday 14 October] Channel 4 programme 'Dogs: Their Secret Lives'.
  • University team of ocean scientists set sail on 48-day Equatorial Atlantic adventure 14 October 2013 A team of ocean scientists have set sail on a first-of-its-kind expedition across the Equatorial Atlantic to collect coral samples at depths of 4,000 metres to help understand the environmental controls on largely unexplored deep-sea ecosystems.
  • Study finds mentoring key to influencing pupils to apply to University 11 October 2013 Appropriately-timed student mentoring schemes can have a large and substantiate effect on influencing secondary pupils from disadvantaged areas apply to university. These are the findings of a pilot study, published today, that tested the impact and delivery of mentoring on pupils’ intentions to apply to university.
  • Study finds no increased risk of suicide in patients using smoking cessation drugs 11 October 2013 A study to assess whether patients prescribed smoking cessation drugs are at an increased risk of suicide, self-harm and treated depression compared with users of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) has found no evidence of an increased risk. The findings, led by researchers from the University of Bristol, are published online in the British Medical Journal [BMJ] today [11 October].
  • Prenatal depression in mothers is risk factor for depression in children as adults 10 October 2013 Depression in pregnant women appears to increase the risk that their children are more likely to have depression when they are 18-years-old, according to a report led by University of Bristol researchers and published by JAMA Psychiatry.
  • Science and engineering impact accelerates with seven more EPSRC awards 10 October 2013 The University’s EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account has made seven new awards since June 2013, comprising four Knowledge Transfer Secondments, one Proof of Principle and two Proof of Concept projects
  • Bristol graduates win prize for their engineering design 9 October 2013 Five graduates from the University of Bristol’s engineering design degree have been awarded a group prize from the Institute of Engineering Designers (IED) for an automated system that could enable people to view online large exhibits held in permanent storage.
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