News in 2011

  • Pioneering treatment could help people with severe depression 24 January 2011 Pioneering neurosurgical treatment, a world first in Bristol, led by academics at the University of Bristol and North Bristol NHS Trust that very accurately targets brain networks involved in depression, could help people who suffer with severe and intractable depression.
  • Professor Hancox awarded Heart Research UK grant for pioneering study 24 January 2011 Professor Jules Hancox in the School of Physiology and Pharmacology has received a grant from Heart Research UK to examine how the heart's electrical activity can be adversely affected by certain prescription drugs.
  • Professor AW Brian Simpson, 1931-2011 21 January 2011 Professor AW Brian Simpson, a Visiting Chair at the University’s School of Law, died on 10 January 2011. The School of Law offers this tribute.
  • Director of Cabot Institute appointed 21 January 2011 Professor Paul Bates has been appointed as the new Director of the Cabot Institute, a multidisciplinary research institute at the University of Bristol focusing on all aspects of global environmental change.
  • Poetry community to celebrate Tennyson’s ‘In Memoriam AHH’ 18 January 2011 Figures such as former Poet Laureate Sir Andrew Motion and novelist Alan Hollinghurst are among those scheduled to take part in a public reading of Alfred Tennyson’s ‘In Memoriam AHH’, considered one of the great English poems of the 19th century.
  • Students win award for volunteering efforts 18 January 2011 Students from the University of Bristol have won a ‘vinspire’ award for their volunteering efforts in running a lunch club for the city’s senior residents.
  • Best friends can make a child more physically active 17 January 2011 Boys and girls who take part in physical activity with their best friend in the neighbourhood where they live have higher levels of physical activity, new research by academics in the Centre for Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences within the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol have found.
  • New world-class training centre will change landscape of social science 17 January 2011 The Universities of Bristol, Exeter and Bath have come together to form one of the UK’s largest Centres of postgraduate research training for social scientists in fields ranging from economics and human geography to quantitative methodology and psychology .
  • Royal Astronomical Society honours Dr Wookey 14 January 2011 Dr James Wookey in the School of Earth Sciences is to receive the Royal Astronomical Society’s Fowler Award for his research into the properties of the Earth's deep interior.
  • New technology will help to protect South African penguins 14 January 2011 Scientists in South Africa are introducing a cutting-edge automatic penguin recognition system which will reduce the need for potentially harmful banding of birds.
  • When continents formed 13 January 2011 A new way to calculate the age of the Earth’s crust has been developed by researchers from the University of Bristol and the University of St Andrews.
  • Spring at the Wickham Theatre 13 January 2011 A one-man parody of hard-boiled detective stories, a powerful drama about the Suffragette Movement and a public lecture on Brigitte Bardot are some of the highlights of the Spring 2011 season at the Wickham Theatre.
  • PhD student wins Emma Humphreys Memorial Prize 13 January 2011 Finn MacKay, a PhD student at the Centre for Gender and Violence Research, has won the Emma Humphreys Memorial Prize for her extensive work on tackling violence against women.
  • MicroRNAs could increase the risk of amputation in diabetics 12 January 2011 New research in the Regenerative Medicine Section of the School of Clinical Sciences at the University of Bristol have found one of the smallest entities in the human genome, micro-RNA, could increase the risk of limb amputation in diabetic patients who have poor blood flow.
  • Scientists invited to try science journalism 12 January 2011 The British Science Association invites applications for its 2011 Media Fellowship scheme, which gives scientists an opportunity to experience science journalism from the other side of the fence.
  • Uncovering the secrets of pioneering doctors' gardens 12 January 2011 Funded by a grant from the Wellcome Trust, Dr Clare Hickman of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology will investigate how surgeon John Hunter and vaccination pioneer Edward Jenner used their gardens to further their outstanding medical activities.
  • Jimmy Wales, the man behind Wikipedia, in Bristol for public lecture 12 January 2011 Jimmy Wales, the man behind the world’s best-known free encyclopedia, Wikipedia, will be in Bristol this week [Thursday 13 January] for a public talk to mark the project’s ten year anniversary.
  • Clinical scientists work on new radiotherapy device 10 January 2011 Clinical scientists have been given funding to develop a novel device that could reduce the risks of mistreatments for cancer patients during radiotherapy.
  • Bristol University trains scientists of tomorrow 10 January 2011 The University of Bristol, an international centre of excellence for the neurosciences, has been selected in a nationwide competition to host a new graduate programme in multidisciplinary neuroscience research.
  • MRC studentship for dental research project 7 January 2011 Dr Michele Barbour, Lecturer in Biomaterials Science, has been awarded a prestigious Medical Research Council PhD studentship for research into a new dental filling material.
  • New study evaluates different strategies for chlamydia screening 6 January 2011 Increasing the efficiency of partner notification is more cost effective in preventing the spread of chlamydia than increasing the coverage of primary screening in men, according to new research from the University of Bristol, published in the BMJ.
  • Personal safety tips 6 January 2011 Following the recent murder of Joanna Yeates, police have put out advice asking members of the public to remain vigilant while they continue to investigate this tragic case.
  • University produces world’s most accurate IVF predictor 5 January 2011 Researchers have produced a calculator which gives the most accurate reading yet on the potential success of IVF treatment. The free calculator can be found at:
  • Early menstruation linked to increased risk of depression 4 January 2011 Girls who begin menstruating at an early age are at greater risk of depressive symptoms and during their adolescence, according to new research by academics from the University of Bristol and the University of Cambridge.
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